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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Prince Charming and the Cleaning Demons
Today, I want to start off by saying I really and truly have the perfect husband. Case in point, this weekend, I went to Printemps with a friend to cruise the very end of the sales. As my wardrobe is bursting through the seams with pretty little dresses (I have a collection which would be the envy of many a Stepford Wife), I resisted the temptation to browse the dregs of clothing, but fell prey to the temptress known as the shoe section. Jimmy Choo just happened to have TWO beautiful pairs of shoes (last pairs, in my size!)- a fabulous pair of stiletto bootie sandals in black with bronze gromits and a classic pair of deep red patent leather mary janes (with stiletto, of course!). How could a girl possibly choose between two such amazing pairs which were on SALE FOR HALF PRICE?! It was the classic conundrum- did I need the unique and slightly trendy booties (keep in mind that EVERYONE is showing booties this fall), or did I want the classic/never out of style perfect red shoes? As we are saving to purchase an apartment, I couldn't decide which pair of shoes I could live without. So, I called my husband. He laughed and told me to GET BOTH, if it makes me happy, and that we could more than afford it. How perfect of a man is he?
Meanwhile, I've been possessed by all kinds of cleaning demons, which I will use as an excuse for my lack of recent postings. As we live on the ground floor, and France windows have bars instead of screens, I had the unfortunate experience of watching a cockroach come in through the window. Somewhere between screaming profusely, attacking the miscreant with heavy duty hairspray (in lieu of bug spray) and watching the roach succumb to the fumes of the hairspray, I made the resolution to further clean our cozy apartment (as well as coat the window bars with roach spray on a regular basis so none of those horrible pest will try to come in). It's been good, as my mania has inspired my husband and I to clean out our drawers and closets...
Lapin a la Mode Tip du Jour
So. I've been lacking in the sleep department again, probably due to nightmares related to the roach sighting. One trick for getting tired, red eyes to look brighter is to use a blue eyeliner, especially inside the lower lashline. My personal favorite is Lancome's black lapis Le Crayon Khol as it is relatively waterproof and an amazing shade.
Click of French Culture
Most of France goes on vacation during the month of August, so like the world of fashion, the year pretty much begins in September. In France, workers legally get at least five weeks of vacation along with scads of holidays, so many people actually take the entire month of August off (or a massive portion of it). France also has a 35 hour work-week, with no overtime allowed for many positions (including mine). For those of us who work more than our 35 hours, we accrue some additional vacation in lieu of overtime pay. For an interesting article on the subject, click here.
A bientot!
-Liz Anne
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's 5 o'clock Somewhere (although, it's 1 am here and I'm still on a conference call)
Another day has come and gone, here in the city of lights. Unfortunately, I'm not able to enjoy this Friday night, as I'm on a conference call with the US until well past 1 am (ah the joys of having the rest of my team sit in Cupertino), but I'm looking forward to tomorrow night! We may head to Murano which is a beautiful vodka-focused bar which always has great music and gorgeous ambiance. It's possibly the hottest ticket with the Paris insiders right now- Hotel Costes, while it has great music, has gotten a bit too tourist filled. We may also try discovering a new arrondisement, or checking out the tail-end of the sales... (there are a pair of Jimmy Choo's which I'm salavating over but not sure if I can justify with our apartment-buying budget)... Oh the possibilities!
Lapin a la Mode Tip du Jour
As I have a worldwide marketing role in the very large tech company, my conference call schedule gets a little crazy- I have 7 am calls with Asia and India and 10-11 pm calls with the US on a regular basis, with the very occasional middle of the night call. The one product that saves me from having massive dark circles on a regular basis is Touche Eclat from YSL. It's definitely the best concealor every created- it can help with lines, acne, dark circles, brow highlighting, cheek highlighting, etc. If I had one make-up item I was allowed on a desert island, that would be it! And I'm not alone- makeup artists and beauty editors worldwide consider this to be an essential must-have.
Click of French Culture
With the month of August coming up, many of the Parisians are starting to head to the beaches to beat the heat, and partake in the pleasures of coasts. For those of us who are stuck here in Paris, this weekend Paris Plage opens to give us an oasis of tropical relaxation in the middle of the busy metropolis. Every year, the city of Paris closes off some streets by the river Seine and brings in palm trees, sand, deck chairs, and floating pools. There are lots of great events which happens as well, like free concerts, dance lessons, and a climbing wall. I personally can't wait!
A bientot readers!
-Liz Anne
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Boom Boom POW
Today's title is an homage to the fantastic fireworks display my husband and I enjoyed yesterday at the Eiffel Tower (and also a reference to the madness of trying to get a good viewing spot!). Watching a plethora of plumes shooting off of France's most recognizable structure with other fireworks glittering in the sky. We wrapped up the evening watching the crowds of people go by while sipping cocktails at the Deauville bar on the Champs Elysees.
Before the festivities, we also got to discover another arrondissement- the 16th. I LOVE this quarter. The buildings are beautiful, there is no graffiti to be seen anywhere, there are TONS of really nice cafes, and it is calm but full of life at the same time. It's also next to the second largest park in Paris, and bordered by the Seine. There are also a lot of sports venues in the 16th- such as the stadium where the city's soccer team plays as well as the complex where the French Open (tennis) takes place. The only question is, can we find something affordable there? Apparently, the 16th is the richest arrondisement of Paris and boasts some of the most extensive real estate. (The most expensive places have got amazing views of the Eiffel Tower.) Luckily the housing market is, as in the rest of the world, struggling a bit at the moment, so it may work out for us. At least a girl can dream!
Lapin a la Mode Tip du Jour:
Have you ever wished that your eyeshadow would look as vibrant on your eyes as in the package and wished that it would stay on all day? One trick that is part of my daily routine is to wet my eyeshadow brush before application and then pat the eyeshadow on. Applying the wet eyeshadow makes the eyeshadow more vibrant (and more shimmery if you're using shadows with shimmer in them). Your eyeshadow will also stay on much longer. Not all eyeshadows can be used wet (especially the cheaper varieties)- my personal favorites are Chanel's and Lancome's Color Design.
Click of French Culture:
The trendiest treat in France currently is the Macaron, and it is DELICIOUS. It's a pastry that has flavored cream flanked by two cookies- the oreo's more sophisticated French cousin. La Duree is known to have the best, but for those of you stateside, you may be able to find them soon at Chez Paul (which has started infiltrating food courts in Florida).
Now I'm hungry! ;-) Maybe I'll jaunt off to the nearby bakery to grab a macaron for myself! A bientot readers!
-Liz Anne
Monday, July 13, 2009
Arrondissement Immersion
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The sun is shining, the weather is sweet... yeah.
Another Thursday drags on here in Paris. The sales are winding down and Parisians are starting to relocate to their summer homes. My mother in law has relocated herself to her house in the lovely La Tranche sur Mer, on the French atlantic coast and is basking in the sun's rays. I, meanwhile, continued to beg, plead, cajole with my work laptop which is still on strike. (I also tried the swearing profusely and violence threatening methods). Ah well, c'est la vie...
Lapin a la Mode Tip du Jour
Many of my friends are fans of the traditional French manicure, but are not graced with the hand coordination to successfully pull off flawless nails. And then there are those people, like me, who are prone to chipping/ruining any and all nail polish within a day of application. Sephora has invented the coolest nail product yet- the French Manicure Nail Patch! Took me 5 minutes to put on, looked better than many of my manicure efforts, and looked perfect and fresh for over a week! As an added bonus- there's NO drying time!
Last week, my American friends gloated about their long weekend courtesy of the US independence. Now, it is my turn to gloat- Tuesday, July 14 is Bastille Day, the French national holiday. Like the US, France celebrates with picnics, fireworks, and a day free from work. In Paris, there is a giant costumed ball in at the Bastille area with free music and a different theme each year. The firemen also open their doors to the public offering live demonstrations and dancing. I can't wait to put on my dancing shoes to celebrate!
A bientot readers!
-Liz Anne
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
On my Computer's Cultural Adaptation...
So, I've decided today that my computer has decidedly turned French. Why, might you ask? My work computer (and bear in mind, I work for the company who created it) has decided to go on strike, something which could be considered the French national past-time. The French, especially the students, enjoy organizing grand Manifestations, where people demonstrate against whomever is the oppressor du jour. A good friend once explained that Manifestations are such an integral part of French life- babies go with their mothers to shake their fists and learn the art. It is, perhaps, the only time the French actually arrive to an activity on time. At the same time, I am also thankful for the 35 hour work week and the 5 weeks that have come of such manifesting! :-)
After living in three neighboring countries, Germany, Switzerland, and France, I firmly believe that the train strikes in particular really give you an insight into the cultures of the country itself. In France, when the trains go on strike, you don't really know which trains will be affected. So you go to the train station, and maybe the trains will run. Maybe they won't. It's always a fun question. In Germany, if the trains (especially the city network: S-Bahn/U-Bahn) are on strike, there is an announcement in advance which trains from what time will be on strike. So, even though it is a minor annoyance, it can be planned for and avoided. In Switzerland, there are no strikes. Period. (Please note: the Swiss start freaking out when the trains are a minute late, and you can literally plan to the minute when you will arrive at your destination.)
Lapin a la Mode Tip du Jour:
With summer, something every girl needs to get by is some good waterproof mascara to get you through any sudden poolside splashes. My take: Hypnose Waterproof (Lancome), DiorShow Waterproof, or Urban Decay Big Fatty Waterproof. One major no no with waterproof mascara is using any lash primer- many times it will cause your mascara to flake.
Click of French Culture:
Coming back to the trains, anyone who's spent their fair share of time in French train stations will be quick to tell you about the singing announcements. Yes, that's right. Before any announcement is made by comforting computer generated woman's voice, the computer woman sings a few notes to announce the announcement. It's so well recognized that it has been turned into various remixes and is used to close out most of the SNCF commercials.
Well, blogsphere, here's to hoping my work computer will not need to be reimaged again. Off to the office for some IT TLC!
A bientot!
- Liz Anne
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My Heart is Yearning, as Paris is Burning...

I must admit, we truly had a magical wedding, thanks to the best bridesmaid ever (Katie) and my very own French Prince Charming! For any of you interested in doing a destination wedding, I highly recommend La Tranche sur Mer, on the French Atlantic Coast!

The Lancome Blog, which I adore, posted a great article from Vogue about the importance of sunscreen, with a few product recommendations. The best way to prevent aging/sun damage/etc. is to wear the sunscreen. One of the easiest ways to make sure your face (and neck) are protected is to make sure your daytime moisturizer has an SPF in it- you are exposed to the sun even when you do not realize it (especially driving!). No matter which one you choose, just make sure you're covered!
-Liz Anne